Connecting Leadership Ashland Alumni with Ashland County Nonprofits...


Leadership Ashland Volunteer Match

Strong leaders help create strong organizations. Volunteer Match LA, a collaboration between Leadership Ashland and the Ashland County Community Foundation, connects Leadership Ashland alumni with Ashland County nonprofit organizations to fill board and other volunteer leadership needs. VolunteerMatch LA matches your interests and abilities with the needs of our local nonprofit community, so you enjoy meaningful board service opportunities.

Volunteer Match LA benefits alumni and community organizations by:

  • Identifying interests, skills, and expertise you can offer nonprofit organizations
  • Providing you the opportunity to be matched with top-notch nonprofit organizations.

A key mission of Leadership Ashland is to teach leaders the skills necessary to successfully serve on a nonprofit board of directors and then encourage alumni to actively engage in community leadership opportunities. VolunteerMatch LA provides the connection for alumni and nonprofits that need skilled leaders on their boards.

LA Alumni/Volunteers

Alumni options

Charitable Organizations

Organization options.


Administrator options